Owner Questions

Discover solutions to frequently asked property owner questions that address your concerns and help you make informed decisions.

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Company Questions


When will I get my rent payment every month?

As long as your tenant pays rent by the end of the grace period, you can expect to receive a deposit in your account between the 8th-15th of the month. It can take up to a week for the tenant's payment to clear not including holidays and weekends. If your tenant pays rent late then you may receive it after the 15th depending on how long it takes to process and clear.


Do I get to help choose the tenants?

We do not involve our owners in the tenant selection process. You hire us to use our knowledge and experience to manage your property and most owners have not processed as many applications and seen as many credit reports as we have.

Having owners involved slows the process down which leads to losing tenants who apply for other properties and also creates a fair housing issue since we are using different criteria to approve different tenants at different properties.


What happens if my tenants pay late?

If your tenants don't pay rent on time, we reach out and remind them. If they still don't pay then we serve them with a notice and start the eviction process. Things can happen and sometimes things slip through the cracks but almost all tenants know when their rent is due. Typically, when a tenant pays rent late, it's not the first or last time so we know who may or may not have issues paying.


Do you take properties that already have a tenant in place?

We do as long as the tenant is in good standing. We will occasionally take on properties where the tenant is headed for eviction or the eviction has already started but that's only with an additional fee depending on what needs to be done.


Will you hire a cleaner for me to get my home ready for rent?

We can as long as you give us advance notice and there will be an additional fee added. Keep in mind, many cleaners are busy at the end and beginning of the month and also on weekends which are also busy times for moves to happen. If you need a cleaner at the end of the month, we need as much notice as possible.


Why do you need to be named as an additional insured on my insurance policy?

Your tenant can sue anyone and we need to make sure that if they sue us for something to do with your property, we're covered. It usually does not cost anything additional to have more parties named as additionally insured with your insurance company.


Will you mail a check instead of a doing direct deposit?

We can mail a paper check if you prefer but there will be an additional fee added. Checks can take longer to reach you and can be stolen out of mailboxes so we prefer direct deposit as we have had many issues with mailing checks in the past.


Who gets access to my bank account information?

No one. Your information gets stored securely in our software so that no one in our company has access to that information.


Do you guarantee that my tenants will pay rent?

No one can guarantee that your tenants will pay rent. Some companies will offer a program where they will pay the rent for the tenant but that’s for an additional fee and the fine print usually says any deposit money gets applied first. We do our best to place good tenants by having strict requirements and a thorough tenant screening process.


Can I use my own vendors?

We do not allow owners to use vendors that we do not know for many reasons. The vendor may not be qualified leading to poor quality work that requires more visits. The vendor may not have the proper insurance leading to lawsuits that can cost the owner thousands of dollars if a repair is done wrong and leads to a tenant being injured or killed. Finally, the vendor may not be professional and not show up for the appointment leading to disgruntled tenants who are less likely to renew the lease.


Will you work with home warranty companies?

Unfortunately, we’ve had too many bad experiences with home warranty companies and will no longer work with them. The vendors that work with them do work at a discounted rate and they usually can’t get enough business on their own to fill their schedule which is a red flag. Warranty companies can also take longer to get a repair done than what’s legally allowed leading to the owner and us getting sued.


Do you sell homes too?

We are a full-service real estate brokerage and licensed by the State of California so we help buyers and sellers as well as landlords and tenants.